Market Update

General - Northern Star/Saracen - Dacian - Chalice

Good afternoon

Equities in Europe have been trading stronger all day - closing now still in the green, while Wall Street is undecided where to go.Base metals are quiet except for Zinc, which is up by 1,5% . Little action only in gold as well.

Powell wants to see more government support, putting some pressure on the two parties to agree on something.

Trump feels great - well he certainly looks really sexy!

so we are back in a real investment-bankers world in the gold space! Northern Star is merging with Saracen! Big party for lawyers, bankers etc, I am sure, to create a 16 bill A$ company. Is bigger better? Well, the market said yes today - I personally very much doubt that! But I have to admit one thing: For large funds to have a meaningful waiting these days, a stock like Evolution is still to small to deal in! If you want to invest say 500 mill US$ into EVN, it would take you probably take you 100 trading days ( at 10% of turnover/day ) to buy the stock…This is the only reason I can see for people to say: Bigger is better!

But certainly it makes growing the company, and generating superior returns after the initial rerating, much more difficult - and management does not become easier, either….I guess there will definitely be synergies - both own 50% of the Golden Mile, and they are neighbours in Kalgoorlie - but managing such a beast and find ways also requires planning people. So I doubt the number tehy are quoting, which is 1.5-2 bill A$, and which is equivalent to the increase in market cap today ( while the number quoted will be saved over the next 10 years or so! )

So let´s wait and see what comes out of this - for now, it does create some excitement and further appetite for corporate action, I guess. I think it might have started with Bellevue today, which was up strongly and is in the neighbourhood to NST and SAR!

Dacian - came out with promising pre-Quarterly today: Production of 32.800 oz in the Quarter, vs guidance of 110-120.000 oz for the financial year. The quarter included a few oz form the underground, which has been closed dwn. Still, a strong number. Net debt is zero currently, and it looks like they generated 6 mill A$ in cash despite heavily delivering into forwards. 61.500 oz of hedging are left - by the end of this financial year, they will be gone. The key to Dacian is an increase of mine life via a new underground plan, or preferrably, by exploration success. Nothing for this would be in the share price, in my opinion….we will get further info about costs etc once the full Quarterly has been announced!

Chalice - and yet anotehr fantastic round of drilling, extending the resource and indications are, that the deepest hole yet has found teh right mineralisation as well. The same kind of PD/Pt/Cu/Ni/gold results , with soem very long intersections of up to 35m from step-out drilling ( 2.1g Pd/0,5g Pt/ 0,2% Ni/0,5% Cu and o,2 g gold ) / in another hole, 45m with 3,2g Pd/1,2g Pt/0,4% Ni and 0,3% Cu are certainly fantastic and gave the stock all reason to close at a new alltime high today! I hope, that metallurgical testing will be promising as well - if yes, this stock could go higher! I am still a shareholder for my fund. Again, Congrats to Tim Goyder and Alex Dorsch!

Have a nice evening




Good afternoon

good to see that Trump gets it now, as he says! Iam sure that thisis the reason why he is being driven around in a car…I guess his driver and the other person must be immun! But more and more people around him are catching the virus….or do invesstors lile, that Biden´s lead is rising in the polls? Not sure….


The market likes it, that he does not seem to want to go away anytime soon!

Equities are stronger across the board. Metals are not doing much today ( copper is down and nickel is up ), but gold is up by 15$ to 1915 US$ - following on from some weakness in Asia this morning, as the US$ is under pressure today. It cannot help it´s course, that it seems difficult for the US to organize a proper election process, which would be accepted by everybody involved!! I think we have had a similar problem in Moldavia recently….

The German consumer is still positive, while PMI´s are quite strong. The rest of Europe is not looking that strong…US PMI´s are also looking pretty good.

Australia is preparing a pretty expanionary budget, including tax cuts dated back to the 30th of June, and tax payments only starting with income of 47.000 A$ p.a. All a bit strange to me - Australia is almost corona-free these days, yet even interstate travel is largely forbidden, still!

I fear nothing to report from the micro-side!

Have a good evening



Good afternoon

well sometimes, there is justice! I am sure you know what I mean!

Equity markets are reacting negatively to Trump´s virus….firstly, this makes negotiations for the US spending program difficult, and secondly, the market hates uncertainty. This could become a pretty wild election - only about 4 weeks to go!

Base metals down by 1% or so early on, but they can recover and copper is up now even up by 1,5%. Copper had a little bloodbath yesterday, and had warehouse inflows of about 90.000t to 162.000t over the last few days. It shows again, that LME warehouse levels are not a very strong indicator of the tightness in markets, as they are being manipulated.We saw the same in nickel 10 month ago.

US Auto sales September very strong - Tesla especially so!

Gold ETF´s saw their first weekly outflow of about 500.000 ounces last week, but look set to make a new high today, with gold jumping on the Trump-news, following some weakness early in Asia.

Centamin - have some pit wall instability problems and have reduced guidance for the year. Stock is getting a bit of a hammering today in London.

Nothing much to rport today and have a nice weekend!


General - Bellevue - West African - Panoramic - Marvel

Good afternoon

sorry this one did no go out yesterday….today´s report further down….

pretty incredible day - markets initially have been very unhappy with this absolutely unbelievable performance of that guy, which is called Mr.President…but very strong numbers from Labor market, housing sales , PMI in China as well as in US, have turned markets strongly for now at least!

Copper very strong currently, other metals also up - only gold is down a few$.

West African Resources - very strong exploration results from Sanbrado underground! 15m with 20g / 32m with 5 g ( including some very high grade intersections ), 7m with 7,8g from below the existing resource ( new results down to 950m ) are indicating, that resource/reserve, which so far have been used only to 550 m depth, are extending down to 950m ( which is the deepest drilling so far ). On my calculations, every 100m add about 100 mill US$ to the value of WAF…..Sprott has a price target of 1,95 A$ for WAF and while this is not conservative, I can certainly see where they are coming from! This stock remains cheap, and exploration news will continue to be strong from underground drilling, as well as from drilling the Togea deposit, which will be drilled this Quarter. Togea has an inferred resource of 1,1 mill oz at 2,1g. It´s only 14km from Sanbrado, and can easily be trucked. A feasibility study to mine it, and process via Sanbrado, is in progress. This additional deposit has easily the potential to drive mine life for WAF´s project past 10 years, and could replace lower grade ore from Sanbrado open pit. In my opinion, it´s not fully apreciated by the market as yet. WAF will announce guidance later this Quarter for the entire project, and will update Togea this Quarter. The only negative: The massive quarantine restrictions in Australia ( I assume, that quite a bit of expat labor will be used ) have the potential to slow up underground mining a little bit - but that should only marginally change the NPV of Sanbrado.

Marvel Gold ( ex Graphex ) - excellent, first reseource estimate for their recently aquired project Tabokorole in Southern Mali! I had hoped for a resource about in line with the 600-odd thousand released previously, but at improved grades of hopefully 1,4 g. The outcome today was different, and I think better: 910.000 oz at 1,2g are certainly a pleasant surprise and a great result! The resource has not been closed off - there are already some good drill hits from outside this resource, and along strike. So I believe, that there is a strong chance, that this resource can grow by anotehr 200-300-400.000 oz over time. I also believe, that possible depth extensions have not been tested as yet. And you might remember, that MVL very recently bought some properties from Oklo, which are very close and have only been very lightly explored, without any drilling. The company is also in process of drilling their second project, Lakanfla. Geologists are very excited by it - but it´s earlier days here. In any case - great start for MVL, following their frustration with Graphite in Tanzania and their new corporate direction , targeting gold in Mali / West Africa.

Todays news:

equities are disgesting yesterday´s rise…strong early on, they are coming back a bit now. Discussions about the US stimlus program are getting the headlines. Labor market numbers in teh States as well as Personal Consumption have been slightly positive.Manufacturing output in Europe expanded strongly, driven by Germany.

Gold tried to move through 1900 once again, but for now, has come back from it´s highs at 1909 and is trading at 1898…base metals are having a very weak day - down by 2% or so - and I have no idea, why!

Bellevue Gold - announced strong extensional results from Deacon Lode: 9,3m with 5,8g / 1.4m with 63g / 3.5m with 10.6g as well as infill drilling from Bellevue 4.6m with 35g / 6m with 15g / 3.7m with 26g. Looks like generally in line with the current resource of 2,3 millt at 10g ( inferred ) which includes 860.000oz at 11.6g ( indicated ). Again - great results - but BGL is also trading at a great share price!”

Panoramic - the contractor Barminco ahs finsihed the drive ahead of time, which is connecting the mine area with the vertical shaft to ventilate the mine. Barminco will now concentrate on developing additional mining faces, while a different contractor will finish the ventilation , to be fully completed by late March. The mine will be ready for a production decision by that time, which then only should be reliant on a reasonable nickel price. Sometime in October we should also see exploration news!

Have a nice evening


Schröder Equities GmbH


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General - Horizon Gold - Genex - Gascoyne

Good afternoon

following on from a very strong day yesterday, equities are weaker. There is no apparent reason today…markets seem to be without strong conviction. The US fiscal package does not make much progress, and investors are trying to get a feel for the upcoming US-election. I am not that sure, where a Biden-win would take us…it could be negative for markets - as much as I want Trump to leave the White House!

Base metals are keeping their head above water so far - the US$ is a bit weaker, and that´s also helping gold, which can add a few $ on yesterday´s nice performance.

Gascoyne - what a saga…but one has to be happy as a shareholder, that the administrator behaved very well, and saved the company for the shareholders. All last minute legal proceedings have been finished as at today, in favour of Gascoyne. The rights issue, 2:1 at 2.5ct, had been extended to the 7th of October - so if you are a shareholder, you need to be quick to subscribe, if you have not already done so. The operational performance of GCY has been very stable this year, and teh shares should definitely be worth quite a bit more than 2.5ct….Listing of the company is expected in late October!

Horizon Gold - hard to believe, but the company is finally drilling!! Once they got moving and had raised the cash, it started to be difficult to find suitable drill rigs … Initially, 38 holes for 460 m at existing orebodies Swan and Swift. This drilling shoiuld deliver some strong results - everything else would really surpise me. The comnpany has also stated, that a more expansive drilling program will start by about year end. As you know, and corporate governance aside, I real like the fundamentals here, and I believe, that the forthcoming exploration results will validate this view. The stock could/should be worth a lot more than 50ct!

Genex - to be honest, I wanted to get a bit more clarity on their announcement last week, and then completely forgot to write it up! The news was NOT good..the company had expected to finalise all agreements before the 30th of September, but has failed to do so! The missing agreement is with the Queensland government, which surprises me. Queensland will have elections in a bout 4 weeks time, and I had expected ( as Genex did ), that the good news about this project, would have been made prior to the elections. But it did not happen! As I understand, there is still discussion about the maintenance of the new transmission line ( the government reconfirmed it´s commitment to take up 132 millA$ of the expected expenditure - but there might hasve been somne disagrrement about the percentage of maintenance costs to be carried by Genex ( at least that is what I believe has happened ). The company is also in extremely advanced discussion to sell up to 50% of the project, to enable full financing of the hydro plant to be achieved. Again - I believe, that the incoming party wants a complete and signed agreement with Queensland, before they sign off! And the worst news is: As elections are coming up, we most probably will not have a decision very shortly - realisistically, I guess by Christmas.Whoever wins the election,will support this project, as it is so obviously positive for electricity users and Queensland! So it´s all the same as it was before - but a little bit more uncertainty has been added to the story! Still - as always, hard to get stopped just before the finishing line - and it happened twice to GNX - but the ongoing support from the key-financier, which extended it´s offer by 4 month, should be very assuring!

Have a nice evening!


Schröder Equities GmbH


80538 München

Tel. +49-89-4613440-0

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