Market Update

General - Panoramic - Foran Mining

Good afternoon

Gold continues to be burried…1774 as I am writing…and Gold ETF´s saw nearly 1.2 mill oz outflow last week. But I wonder, whetehr we are getting close to the bottom? I think it might be getting a little oversold here. In A$ terms, there is good support at 2400 A$ - but we are right there, and this level better holds. Don´t get me wrong - any halfway reasonable gold producer in Australia is mnaking good returns at even lower prices - but for developing miners, I would not want to see it mch lower than this.

The PMI in China was very strong, especially in manufacturing - driving the metals strongly higehr today ( Alu above 2000$/t for the first time since Okt 2018 / copper up another 1,9% / zinc up by 1% / nickel down by 0,7% ). Iron ore is holding at 130 US$. China lso added fresh liquidity to the system today.

Two great stories, for which I have beaten the drum for a while ( and sometimes at the wrong price! ), are catching my imagination these days:

Panoramic - there must be a large seller out there - or otherwise, the stock might still be suffering from the very large capital raising at 7ct! The news keeps on being very good: The ventilation shaft has been finished dramatically ahead of plan,. as well a s the development of 4 mining levels by Barminco. Reasons for both projects being so far ahead of plan and beyond any hope, have been excellent ground conditions, and a good job by the contractors! In any case, it falls back very positively on the new MD of PAN, who is obviously doing a good job!! The excellent griund conditions experienced also augur very well for mining and mining rates, once it starts. All infrastructur work will take another 5 month, but will only start in january - I guess nobody could expect the company be that far advanced as it is, and therefore, activities will start after Christmas. The company has sufficient cash to finish all this work, which is good news, and it means, that all which has to be financed is working capital. That´s not too bad and should not be a problem to find with project financiers or from banks.

With nickel prices above 16.000$/t or at 10 A$/lb, the stock is a steel and I have constantly increased my position. AISC I expect to be below 7A$/lb, or with a bit of luck, even 6 A$ once in full production. The stock has had a bad two years or so, and the image of PAN is not very good -to say the least. But looking at it in absolute terms, and even more so in relative terms vs other nickel stocks in Australia, make this company very cheap! The challenge now is to negotiate early enough new equipment and a sensible deal with the mining contractor, which undoubtedly will be Barminco. There is 6 month lead time to organize this, and the management of PAN are right on it! The second, and perhaps more difficult issue, is labor. But again - 6 month lead time should easily be sufficient to be prepared, and I am sure, that PAN will not take the risk to employ second-rated people. For this reason, I think operating costs might be a little higehr than otherwise possible- but in any case, should easily stay below 7A$/lb AISC.

Foran Mining - amazing, what new management can do to a share price! Dan Myerson´s appearance as Executive Chairman has made the share price to double within a few weeks. But the enviroment is also much more receiptive now, as copper and zinc are making new highs just about every day! While the feasibility study arrived at a NPV of I think 220 mill Can$, this only covers reserves. MUltiple drill holes outside of thie reserve have been announced,. which strongly indicate, that a much larger part of resources ( plus probably additional resources ) can be converted without too much hazzle. And needless to say, that prices used in the feasibility also appear too conservative with today´s knowledge about markets. Also, the NPV of a project with 260mill Can$ upfront investment probably does not give a true picture of the true worth of cash flows. If you do a NPV, and start with 260 mill Can$ at 5% in the red, it tends to look difficult…but once the production starts, the NPV will already look a lot healthier! I think this stock has a long way to go, and there appears to be very little selling outside of what I had to sell, to adhere to my internal rules to not have more than 5% of my fund invested in one stock for longer than a few days.

The mainstream market has not woken up to this story as yet - much fun still to come!

Have a nice evening


Schröder Equities GmbH


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Geschäftsführer: Wilhelm Schröder


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General - Gold Stocks - West African - Strike/Warrego - Galaxy - Poseidon

Good afternoon

Strong numbers in the US from Durable Goods, Personal Spending and New Home Sales

Gold ETf´s saw some pretty massive outflow - 840.000oz over the last two days.

We have seen a heavy fall of gold recently and I guess mainly because of this outflow -but it looks like the 200-day moving average could hold the fall at around 1800 US$. As I have pointed out so often, there are numerous reasons to hold gold and/or gold stocks! I think the current ewakness across the board offers us some nice opportunities.

company performance since 30.9.2019 performance since 30.9.2020

Evolution + 7,7% - 15,1%

Northern Star + 13.4% - 8,2%

Ramelius +51% - 17,8%

Perseus + 56% - 19,7%

Resolute - 46% - 18,2%

West African + 69% - 23,3%

As can be seen - share prices have fallen regardless of the production costs recently. West African should have by far the lowest leverage to the gold price, with AISC for the mine expected to be below 600 US$ …but the stock has risen the most previously, making it easier for investors to sell it! I think this is my best buy in the gold sector, followed by Perseus, which looks like bringing Yaoure into production in December without too much trouble. And last but not least - Evolution for consistency, good management and a turnaround of the North American aquisition! On the charts, I think EVN as well as PRU have 5-6-7% downside risk - WAF are at buying level already. If you are a large fund, EVN is the most interesting - WAF for others.

West African Resources - are continuing to drill, and continuing to increase underground production. The mine is fully staffed now, exploration drilling at Toega is starting just about now. And the election last weekend has been done without any trouble. The recent fall is a great buying opportunity, in my opinion!

Strike Energy/Warrego - APA, the pipeline operator, will be building a pipeline, conencting the Perth Basin with the Eastern Goldfields. So far, these guys are getting their gas from the North Westv Shelf, 2-3 times the distance. This will undoubtedly inspire more demand, as gas will become cheaper to replace diesel! Excellent news for the Perth Basin gas producers/developers! Strike/Warrego should reach the main gas-bearing zone before Christmas…hopefully and probably - giving us another reason to celebrate!

Galaxy - big demand for lithium stocks does not seem to go away…the Perth-based company is raiding these funds underwritten, at 1,70 A$ -just a 8% discount, and will use them to bring their Chilean brime-project into production by 2022. My favourite is still Liontown - exposure to a great lithirm hard rock project in Australia, and also a look-a-like project to Julimar, being so succesully explored by sister-company Chalice ( which has hit a new high today! ).

Poseidon Nickel - Peter Harold´s new company is starting to look interesting, the main reason being their discovery of high grade nickel at Black Swan. The first nice intersection in April 2020 was 23m with 4% Ni, the second one in August 9m with 10% Ni, and theird one was announced today , 6.4m with 9.6% Ni. There is also significant potential from a downhole EM surrvey, which indicates more upside….and recent footwall EM plates identified show potential for a different, mineralized system. I do not own any, as I have quite a bit of Ni-exposure via Panoramic and Centaurus - but I am tempted to back Peter Harold again on this one…

have a nice evening


General - Gold- Cyclicals - Chesser - Malachite

Good afternoon

that is a fast & furious reaction of the gold price indeed, to the discovery of vaccines, and the possibility, that the large stimulus program in the US is not going to happen! Gold stocks are already trading slightly lower to the level they were trading at the last time gold hit 1800 US$! So I think we might have a nice buying opportunity in the moment - but I would not invest all my spare $ right now! The risk to the gold price among other things is, that Bitcoin could take it´s place …the huge run it´s having is sucking more money - and the weakness of gold is sucking the short-momentum players! The 200-day moving average is running at around 1800 US$ - that is getting very very close, and a break could trigger another round of gold selling! However - I strongly believe, that gold still has it´s place - as we have seen recently - as a bad-news investment, and possibly, as an inflation hedge. But we have not seen any meaningful inflation for a very long time - so it´s a bit difficult to be sure, that gold can continue to be seen as a hedge here!

The PMI for the US had a massive increase yesterday, and helped the current goldi.locks feeling.The housing market in the States is also strong -

IFO business confidence in Germany is better than expected…

Biden seems to choose Yellen as Treasurer - she is known as an advocat of large fiscal spending…again, probably good for cyclicals and good for gold as well?!"

Cyclical stocks are booming - everybody talking about it, but not too many funds have moved as yet, and certainly not sufficiently! Nobody will want to miss the opportunity…which means, that we will have much further to go, and probably quickly. So don´t miss the boat! The BHP´s of this world are probably the first ones to outperform - our small stuff will move only later! That´s the Forans´, Panoramics´ of this world, which one should accumulate - but I think the large caps should be bought immediately and agressively, to not miss the boat! While it´s hard for many to say farewell to the things which have made them huge amounts of money for a long long time ( that´s the FANG´s! ), market participants tend to be much faster these days than 10 years ago in anticipating new trends.

Equity markets continue to boom today…as are base metals, following a quick & dirty, little correction yesterday. In the above scebario, very difficult to see them going down! Copper at 6-year high!

Oil is breaking out to the topside…

And last but not least! Trump is giving in!!!! He will go down as the biggest lunatic ever running the US!

Chesser Resources - could not have picked a worse day to announce exciting drilling results, which extend also zones of previous drilling in multiple directions: 44m with 4,37g gold/ 49m with 3,64g / 38m with 4,36g and others all from close to surface - also some good nteresections from deeper drilling in sulphide ore. Certainly a very succesfull start from a 27 hole drilling program after the wet season - results of 16 holes still outstanding. I currently do not own any Chesser, and I am glad for just about every gold stock I do not hold right now - but igf gold holds at 1800 US$/oz, certainly worh a very good look!

Malachite - this potential producer of nickel ore to China, announced a potential resource of betwen 5- and 6 millt from their second property Jejevo in the Solomon Islands, at a grade of 1.4%-1.6% nickel.- This target is derived of previous frilling by Sumitomo Metals, which will be validated from next week with a 64 hole drilling program. Nickel ore is somewhat boring compared to nickel production from sulphides, to produce battery-nickel eventually - nevertheless, capex for their two projects is relatively small, and cash flow could be derived very quickly. So I would not disregard this little stock - although only for the personal account, due to its very small size!

Have a nice evening!


General - switching from FANG to BHP, RIO or FMG? - Centaurus

Good afternoon

just amazing…this run seems to never stop! But as somebody pointed out today: The Democrats still ahve a chance to win the Senate in january - and I would be surprised, if the US-equity market would like that!

Base metals are very strong today - copper and lead up by nearly 3%, nickel and zinc 1.5-2%!

I am surprised, that resources stocks are not doing more. Everybody is talking about cyclicals, and I guess you cannot get much more cyclical than buying resources. You would not believe it - but I am even thinking about buying some BHP! Perhaps we shoudl not underestimate, just how long insto´s need to change from buying what everybody has been buying ( that is the FANG´s ) to actually not only thinking about resources, but doing it! And so often, the top blue chips are the first ones these guys are looking at! Iron ore, to be sure, has made new highs - the large iron ore producers are just killing it, especially, as freight rates are also very low. As a very rough guide: Cash costs of production are 13$ - transport to China is 7$ currently ( but has been much higher in the past! ) - price received is currently 128 US$ for RIO/BHP and about 112 US$/t for FMG! If you produce 180 Millt of this stuff, these numbers are adding up to just unbelievable profits!!! RIO and BHP ( for memory ) are producing 340 millt and 280 millt resp.! And in the case of FMG, a very substantial part of these profits go straight through to shareholders ( mainly to Andre Forrest !) in form of fully franked dividends ( = tax free for Australians, and 100% to shareholders overseas - taxable in the country of residence of the shareholder ).

Centaurus - again some very strong drilling results from their Brazilian project: 41m at 1,37% from 66m and 78m with 1% Ni from surface. Thex currently have a 500.000t Ni resource, and and a lot of it seems to be open-pittable. The feasibility study. Their last resource update is from June, and since then, tehy have delivered many strong results. They have 5 drill rigs working double-shift, preparing the ground for a new resource update also in the first Quarter 2021. Most probably, more excitement to come for this one, I much prefer to be here than in a hiped-up stock like Azure Minerals, which has a larger market cap, but is far away from the first resource estimate!

Have a nice evening


General - Chalice - Liontown - Foran Mining - Fortescue

Good afternoon

equity markets are slightly weaker,again, on corona-fears - despite two vaccines looking like they can do the job! But the EU as well as the US are really struggling to bring their stimulus programs through the various institutions. I am loosing all the little respect I have had for Hungary and Poland…for the Republicans, I´ve lost it anyway! But there is still massive, underlying support for equities - especially from the US!

US labor market numbers are disappointing! And I have just been shopping in the centre of Munich - unless everybody is buying online, retail numbers for Germany will also look bad! But existing home sales are booming in the States

Tesla, Albemarle and Uber are joining up to call for 100% of EV sales by 2030….Germany is extending subsidies for EV´s until 2025 and starts spending program for loading stations…German EV sales last month 3x higher than pcp…Lithium will go for a run, once stocks have been used up. Stocks like Pilbara have been moving strongly with heavy turnover - BUY Liontown, with the only, really large resource not comitted as yet, having superior grades to many others, and in the right country!On top of that, also some exploration potential from their Julimar-look-alike , owned by :

Chalice - reported some more very exciting drilling results yesterday. I ahve no idea, how large this thing could be - but the potantial is certainly there for a world class orebody. The only negative, in my opinion: There is defintely work left to do on metallurgy…and also: I am usually buying this kind of stock to double- or tripple my money - this might be hard in Chalice, given the 1.1 bill A$ market cap.

Base metals are only very slightly down…as Goldman´s is calling for the beginning of a structural bull market in commodities!! For once, I would love them to be right! These EV-news are really good in the moment, and the sector seems to develope some nice momentum. This certainly helps also copper and nickel! And as I am slowly leaving the office, base metals are starting to turn green again!

some stocks are behaving , as if Goldman´s could be right:

Foran Mining - are on fire, thanks to the new and highly regarded MD! At the closing price of 45ct, they are capped at 63 mill - the NPV is probably around 350 mill Can$…hence, nobody really wants to sell. Very small turnover despite strong bidding - the stock si very tightly held, and most holders have been there for a long time. This thing had a good run - but hardly anyone in North America has heard about the stock, and shareholders obviously know about the potential of the stock. There are not all that many copper/zinc stories around, which have been so extensively prepared to do the final step to be brought into production! Foran have been in a deep winter-sleep for a long time - finally, the stock is awakening and we have seen in some crazy moves like Piedmont´s, what happens, when the North Americans start chasing a stock! FOm are a long way away form valuations like that one!

Iron ore is also making new highs, despite all the negative comments from analysts! China is buying anything they can get their hand on - and the Australian cyclone-season will be starting in a few weeks time. That´s probably the reason, why nobody is worried about stocks in China slowly rising! This is a seasonal increase of stocks, not a structural one! And prices for steel rebar and otehr types of steel are also constantly going higher, indicating good demand! Stocks like BHP/RIO are not expensive, and Fortescue are very cheap, if iron ore stays above 100 ( from 126 US$/t today! ) for the enxt 12 month! If iron ore prices can be sustained at 120 US$, they could well be trading on a 15% dividend yield, and only slightly above 3x EV/EBITDA! Having been substantially leveraged for most of it´s history, the company is in net-cash for the first time, despite deveoling two new mines currently - one of which will go into production next month or so.

Gold ETf´s saw the third day in a row yesterday with more than 300.000oz outflow. Somehow, I finf it strange to own gold just because of Covid - but it seems to be the case, that quite a few investors have done so. The yellow metal does not feel any good in the short term - might have to go down, before it goes up again!

Have a nice evening


Schröder Equities GmbH


80538 München

Tel. +49-89-4613440-0

Fax +49-89-4613440-10




eingetragen im HR München, HRB 166985

Geschäftsführer: Wilhelm Schröder


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